Curriculum Written by D4I TDR Members to be Shared at IndigiData WorkshopFebruary 6, 2025The D4I TDR team will be piloting a curriculum on Indigenous-centered data solutions through an outreach and training workshop in…read more
D4I TDR Team Member on John’s Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health PodcastFebruary 4, 2025D4I TDR team member Joseph Yracheta, MSc was a guest on “Public Health on Call”; a podcast that aims to…read more
D4I TDR Presence at First Nations Data Sovereignty and Research ConferenceJanuary 29, 2025D4I TDR members Dr. Kali Dale, Dr. Ashlynn Gerth, Joseph Yracheta, MSc, Rebecca Dickinson, and Burt Dillabaugh attended the First…read more
D4I Tribal Data Repository Website LaunchDecember 20, 2024Thanks for visiting our site to learn more about this Tribal Data Repository presented by the D4I team. As the…read more
Informational Videos Describing the D4I TDR Project Coming Soon!December 19, 2024The D4I team is working on descriptive informational videos which will be released in the spring of 2025 in anticipation…read more