info@d4itdr.orgWho can get access to the data in the TDR?
Tribes will be able to access their own data at any time, whereas researchers can only access the data once Tribal permission has been granted. Obtaining Tribal permission will potentially require users to submit a research proposal detailing what data the researchers would like to access, the purpose and goal of the research, how the data will be used, and how this aligns with the Tribal interests and wishes.
How can researchers access and use the data within the TDR?
Researchers will need to request access to the data by submitting a formal data access request through the TDR. After this, the request will be vetted by the Data Access & Use Committee and be sent on to the potential participating Tribal communities to approve or reject the request. If the request is approved, researchers will be authorized to analyze the data within the TDR workspace. The data is not downloadable and will never leave the TDR. A principle of least access will be implemented to ensure that only the researchers and administrators who need access to data will be authorized to access and given the appropriate user permissions. The name of all researchers and administrators who need data access/use permissions will be documented in the formal data access request along with a justification.